o Margins -- 1.5 inches all the way around
o Font -- Courier, Courier New, or other clean monospace serif font from 10-12 pt. (I use 12 pt. Dark Courier.)
o Line spacing -- Double-space
o Paragraph indent -- first line, 5 pt.
o Header -- right justified, contains the following information:
Last name/ TITLE/ page#
A header does not belong on the cover page. Start headers on page one of the actual manuscript.
· Cover page -- depends on whether you're agented or not.
o Unagented:
§ Contact information -- Name and address, phone number and e-mail address in the top left corner of the page, single spaced, left-justified
§ Title -- centered, just above the middle of the page
§ by -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the title
§ Name or pen name -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the word by
§ Word count -- centered and rounded to the nearest thousand, one double-spaced line beneath your name or pen name
o Agented:
§ Title -- centered, just above the middle of the page
§ by -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the title
§ Name or pen name -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the word by
§ Word count -- centered and rounded to the nearest thousand, one double-spaced line beneath your name or pen name
§ Agent's contact information -- Name, business name, mailing address, phone number (e-mail address if you have the agent's okay first), left justified, single spaced, bottom of the page
· First page
o Header -- should be in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and page number should be 1.
o Chapter header -- can be anywhere from one to six double-spaced lines down from the top of the page, and can be centered or left justified. You can title your chapters, or just write Chapter One or Chapter 1.
o Body text -- drop down two double-spaced lines to begin your story.
o Scene breaks -- drop down two double-spaced lines, insert and center the # character, drop down two more double-spaced lines, and begin your new scene.
o Subsequent chapters -- start each chapter on a fresh page. Keep chapter formatting and titling consistent with your first chapter.
Short work
· Page Information
o Margins -- 1.5 inches all the way around
o Font -- Courier, Courier New, or other clean monospace serif font from 10-12 pt. (I use 12 pt. Dark Courier.)
o Line spacing -- Double-space
o Paragraph indent -- first line, 5 pt.
o Header -- right justified, contains the following information:
Last name/ TITLE/ page#
A header does not belong on the title page. Start headers on page two of the actual manuscript. First labeled page number should be 2.
· Cover page
o Do not use a cover page with short work, either fiction or non-fiction
· First page
o Contact information -- Name and address, phone number and e-mail address in the top left corner of the page, single spaced, left-justified
o Word count -- top line, right justified (you'll have to do this with a table if you're working with a word processor), either exact count, or rounded to the nearest ten
o Title -- drop down four double-spaced lines, centered
o by -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the title
o Name or pen name -- centered and one double-spaced line beneath the word by
o Body of the story or article -- drop down two lines and begin.
o Scene or section breaks -- drop down two double-spaced lines, insert and center the # character, drop down two more double-spaced lines, and begin your new scene.
· Second and subsequent pages
o Header -- should be in the upper right-hand corner of the page, and page number should be 2.
o Body text -- begins on the first line, doublespaced throughout.
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